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23rd and 24th of June 2022 / 2:00 pm - 6:30 pm BST

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Day 2 - Panel 3 - 24th of June 2022, 4:30-5:20 pm (BST)

Detecting fraudulent practices in the area of taxation: the crucial role of whistleblowers

Interactive Table of Contents

  • Panel Introduction: Mary Inman

  • Presentation 1: Charles Middleton​
    "Effective tax whistleblower award programs give corporate tax fraud nowhere to hide"

  • Presentation 2: Moran Harari 
    The role of offshore leaks in combatting financial secrecy

  • Presentation 3: Dr. Salvatore Coluccello
    “Whistleblowing and ‘pentitismo’: the role of ‘collaborators’ in legal and extra-legal governance”

  • Question & Answer Time

Suggested Citation

APA: [Speaker's surname, initial(s)] (2022, June 24). VIRTEU International Final Conference, Day 2 - Panel 3. Video recording at [00:00]. Retrieved from

HARVARD: [Speaker's surname, initial(s)] (2022) VIRTEU International Final Conference, Day 2 - Panel 3. Video recording at [00:00]. Available at:

OSCOLA: [Speaker's name and surname] ‘VIRTEU International Final Conference’, Day 2 - Panel 3 (Corporate Crime Observatory, 24 June 2022), Video recording at [00:00], <>

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Chair - Mary Inman

Mary Inman is a partner in Constantine Cannon’s London Office. After 20+ years representing whistleblowers in the U.S., she moved to London in 2017 to launch the firm’s international whistleblower practice. She specializes in representing whistleblowers worldwide under American reward programs. Her efforts on behalf of British whistleblower Andrew Patrick, were featured in a recent New York Times article. Her successful representation of three whistleblowers exposing fraud in the Medicare Advantage program was featured in a recent New Yorker magazine article. Mary is a recognized expert and frequent author and speaker on areas related to the application of the American whistleblower laws internationally and the use of whistleblower laws worldwide.

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Charles Middleton
"Effective tax whistleblower award programs give corporate tax fraud nowhere to hide"

Charles Middleton, a former senior tax executive at General Electric, Caterpillar, Walmart Inc. and Oxbow Carbon LLC, filed allegations that one or more of his former employers engaged in improper practices that resulted in the underpayment of tax. He alleges that in retaliation for filing his complaints with the IRS he was fired and is now being blackballed by past and potential corporate employers.

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Moran Harari 
“The role of offshore leaks in combatting financial secrecy”

Moran Harari is a tax lawyer who has been working for 12 years in the field of taxation and financial transparency. She completed her LL.M in human rights law at University College London (UCL). At the Tax Justice Network, she is leading the research on the Financial Secrecy Index and the Corporate Tax Haven Index. Alongside her work at the Tax Justice Network, she is also the founder and director of Tax Justice Network Israel.

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Dr. Salvatore Coluccello
“Whistleblowing and ‘pentitismo’: the role of ‘collaborators’ in legal and extra-legal governance”

Salvatore Coluccello teaches organised crime and human trafficking (and modern slavery) at both undergraduate and postgraduate level in the School of Humanities at Coventry University. He is Course Director for the MA in Terrorism, International Crime and Global security and the MA programme in Countering organised crime (and Modern Slavery). Salvatore has published a number of journal articles and chapter in books, and is the author of Challenging the mafia mystique: Cosa Nostra from legitimisation to denunciation (Palgrave- Macmillan 2016).

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