We are delighted to invite you to the international roundtable "From Revelation to Justice: The Socio-Legal Dynamics of Disclosures," which will take place on #Zoom on ⏰October 24, 2024, from 4:00 pm BST (11:00 am EDT, 5:00 pm CEST).
Zoom Registration link (free): https://mmu-ac-uk.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_-y6EBhu5Q9KTK4EUSOuiQQ

This event is organized by the Corporate Crime Observatory in partnership with Manchester Law School.
The panelists will explore the complex intersection between unofficial forms of revelations (e.g., investigative journalism, whistleblower disclosures, and leaks) and the pursuit of justice, as well as the reinforcement of the rule of law and democratic values. Presentations will provide insights into how these disclosures can uncover otherwise obscure illicit activities, alongside the legal, ethical, and procedural challenges involved in integrating such revelations into formal legal processes.
Organization and Moderation:
📚Costantino Grasso, Associate Professor of Business and Law at Manchester Law School
📝Annalisa Mangiaracina, Professor of Criminal Procedure Law at the Università degli Studi di Palermo
📝David Z. Seide, Senior Counsel at Government Accountability Project
📝Elisa Renzi, Captain of Guardia di Finanza Company in Spoleto, Italy
📝Mary Inman, Lawyer and Partner at Whistleblower Partners LLP
📝Gianfranco Scarfò, Deputy Chief Prosecutor, Prosecutor’s Office of Benevento, Italy
📝Ian Foxley, Director and Founder of Parrhesia, hashtag#Whistleblower
📝Stephen Holden, Lecturer in Law at De Montfort University
📝Udoka Ezeobi, Research and LLM Candidate at The Manchester Metropolitan University
For additional information and access to the titles and abstracts of the presentations, please visit: https://www.corporatecrime.co.uk/ecosystem-of-truth/#comp-m2a79ncw
Looking forward to meeting you online!
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