We are delighted to invite you to the International Roundtable "#Corporations, #Governance, and #Crime" that will be held on 17th of November 2022 from 1:30 pm and is organized by Dr. Costantino Grasso within the postgraduate LLM course in Corporate Governance at Manchester Law School in cooperation with the Corporate Crime Observatory.
This hybrid event (in person and on Zoom) aims at exploring several high-level cases of corporate governance failures and corporate irresponsible practices.
The program, which will include two sessions moderated by Dr. Costantino Grasso (Manchester Law School) and Dr. Donato Vozza (Roehampton Law School), will cover the following case studies:
The story of a food safety scandal in a European multinational #food company (Dr. Yasmine Motarjemi, formerly at Nestlé)
Performance-based remunerations as a corporate governance problem: The case of Thomas Cook (Dr. John Ho, University of Warwick)
General Electric, the #Enron train wreck in slow-motion (Charlie Middleton, formerly at General Electric)
#Shell companies, mining concessions, and corruption: the case of #ENRC in DR #Congo (Victoria Gronwald, London School of Economics)
#Wirecard: Short-selling as a tool for ethical markets (Dr. Dawn M. Carpenter, Georgetown University)
The Missing "G" in the #ESG equation in the #Oil and #Gas #Industry: The Case of Shell in #Nigeria (Dr. Flavio Inocencio, NOVA University Lisbon)
Reason shopping and the undermining of whistleblower protection (Stephen Holden, Manchester Metropolitan University)
The "#Cirio collapse”: Limits and contradictions of corporate controls in #Italy (Giovanni Sodano, University Luigi Vanvitelli)
The event is planned to be held online on Zoom as well as in person at the AS Lecture Theatre - 3rd Floor Lecture Theatre - All Saints Building of Manchester Metropolitan University (Lower Ormond Street, Manchester, M15 6BH, UK) on the 17th of November 2022 from 1:30 pm to 4:00 p.m. GMT / 9:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. EST.
Feel free to come in person or register for free to attend on Zoom and join what is expected to be an insightful discussion (please find the registration link below).
Enter your email address on the home page of our website (www.corporatecrime.co.uk) to subscribe to the Corporate Crime Observatory and get all of its new posts and updates delivered to you!
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